अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय महिला दिवस

  • वर्ल्ड दैनिक
  • ३ साल अघि
  • २१७ पटक पढिएको

International Women’s Day

The share of the population that is female – varies across the world. And globally in 2017 the share of women in the world was 49.6%. Most countries have a female share of the population between 49 and 51 percent (within one percentage point of parity). So, women share almost 50% of the world population. 50% means half of the entire world population. Half signifies that the share between men and women should be equally distributed. Therefore, population wise, women should get equal opportunity. However, is the world doing the same? The answer to this question has a very heavy NO. So, how could we equally distribute whatever we have in the world? That is by equally participating in everything that we do.

तपाइंलाई यो खबर पढेर कस्तो लाग्यो? मन पर्यो
मन पर्यो खुशी अचम्म उत्साहित दुखी आक्रोशित